VPC your supplier for printed circuit boards

VPC is your partner for sourcing your rigid, flex or metal core PCB production in Europe and China. Our team is expert in PCB manufacturing. Based on your specifications and build, they will select the right manufacturing partner for you. Regardless of whether it is a few pieces or a large volume.

For production in China, our facility in Dongguan, China (Guangdong Province), supervises the production of printed circuit boards and takes care of the final inspection in close consultation with VPC Netherlands.


- Single- and double-sided PCBs
- Multilayer PCBs
- HDI boards
- IMS - Metal core PCBs
- Flex, Semi-Flex and Flex Rigid

Competency Overview

Discussing your own PCB or PCBA project?

We are happy to assist you. Contact us directly to learn more about our approach, planning and quotation procedure.